This section provides a brief list of main Act features.
Multiple conferences.
Fully multilingual, unicode.
Look and feel of conference site fully customizable. Add static pages -- they're really templates so they're multilingual and share the same UI.
One account per user, can register to multiple conferences.
CSV export for organizers.
User search, user statistics.
Configurable durations, target audience, tracks, languages.
Submitted, then accepted by organizers.
Email notification to organizers upon submission / modification.
Email notification to submitter upon acceptance.
Talk list and schedule hidden from public view until enabled.
Support for non talk events, e.g. coffee break, lunch.
Schedule iCal export.
Talks can be tagged (associate a list of keywords, or tags, to a talk).
Talk list CSV export for organizers.
Schedule work flow for organizers: iCal export => edit talk dates and times in Google Calendar, Apple iCal => iCal import.
Organizers create / edit / delete news items
Can be published / unpublished at any time.
Full control over the publication date. Can schedule items to be published in the future.
News list has its own web page, but news items can be displayed on any page with a simple macro.
Atom feed.
Integrated wiki.
Only logged in users can post, so no spam.
Full version history for each page - organizers can revert a page to any previous version.
Easy way to link to users, talks.
Wiki pages can be tagged (associate a list of keywords, or tags, to a page).
Online (credit card) payment, targets several back ends (YEF, TPF, PayPal).
Treasurer's page
Treasurer can enter payments (checks, bank transfer, free passes).
Treasurer can create invoices.
CSV export of payments.
Automatic payment reports in CSV and/or text format by email.
Initially configure one or more administrators. Administrators can then easily grant rights (organizer, treasurer) to other users.
Hosted on the French Perl Mongers' servers.
Fully redundant, backed up.
Runs under your own domain name.
Development / staging server.
Subversion repository for your conference site.